The work should be saved in the “doc” (MS Word) format. It is recommended to use standard 12-size fonts and to maintain one and a half line spacing.
The work should contain the following elements: title page, summary (Polish and English), key words (Polish and English), text, references, tables and figures (English captions). Abbreviations derived from English words, along with their development, should be given in brackets after the shortened term at the first occurrence in the text. Abbreviations not accepted by international expert groups should be avoided.
The title page should contain:
Additional information and acknowledgments should be provided after the data of the correspondence author.
Summary (Polish and English) should not exceed 900 characters. The summary should contain the introduction, the purpose of the work, the material and methods, results and conclusions.
Key words from 3 to 10 words or key phrases (Polish and English), if possible consistent with Medical Subject Headings Index Medicus, should be placed under the summary.
Text. The following recommended volumes should not be exceeded: an overview/ research work - 18,000 characters, a case description - 9,000 characters, a letter - 1000 characters. The limits presented do not include summaries, tables and references.
References: should contain a list of all bibliographic sources listed in the text, according to the order in which they were published at work. The style preferred by the Editors is Vancuver. References should contain:
The references should be limited to the most important items (maximum 25). The numbering of the references in the text should be placed in square brackets.
It should be remembered that the figures should be sent in an editable form that would allow further electronic processing related to the submission of the magazine number.
Note: the DOI number may be given in the bibliographical address of the reference position (if any)— this will allow linking of references and direct reference to the right website. Example. Ghosh MK, Harter ML. A viral mechanism for remodeling chromatin structure in G0 cells. Molecular Cell 2003;12:255–260.
A typical article in the journal
Jenkins SJ, Ruckerl D, Cook PC et al. Local Macrophage Proliferation, Rather than Recruitment from the Blood, Is a Signature of TH2 Inflammation. Science 2011; 332: 1284-1288.
Article with published erratum
Koffler D, Reidenberg MM. Antibodies to nuclear antigens in patients treated with procainamide or acetylprocainamide [published erratum appears in N Engl J Med 1979;302:322-5]. N Engl J Med 1979; 301: 1382-5.
Article in electronic form
Drayer DE, Koffler D. Factors in the emergence of infectious diseases. Emerg Infect Dis
[online] [cited 2019 January 2] Available from: URL:
Article, the author not given
Cancer in South Africa [editors]. SAMJ 1994; 84:15.
Konturek S, Brzozowski T. Fizjologia człowieka. Fizjologia ogólna, krew i mięśnie. Kraków; Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego, 2003. [Human physiology. General physiology, blood and muscles. Cracow; Publisher of the Jagiellonian University, 2003]
Book, editor as an author
Geha RS, Rosen F. eds. Case studies in immunology. A clinical companion. New York; Garland Science, Taylor and Francis Group, 2008.
Book, organization as an author and publisher:
Institute of Medicine (US). Looking at the future of the Medicaid program. Washington; The Institute, 1992.
Chapter in a book
Zimmermann-Górska I. Choroby reumatyczne. [W:] Choroby wewnętrzne. Szczeklik A (red.). Kraków; Medycyna Praktyczna 2006:1603-1794. [Rheumatic diseases. [In:] Internal diseases. Szczeklik A (ed.). Cracow; Practical Medicine 2006: 1603-1794]
Materials from a conference
Kimura J, Shibasaki H, editors. Recent advances in clinical neurophysiology. Proceedings of the 10th International Congress of EMG and Clinical Neurophysiology; 1995 Oct 15-19; Kyoto, Japan. Amsterdam: Elsevier; 1996.
Bengtsson S, Solheim BG. Enforcement of data protection, privacy and security in medical informatics. In: Lun KC, Degoulet P, Piemme TE, Rienhoff O, editors. MEDINFO 92. Proceedings of the 7th World Congress on Medical
The full text of the work with tables and figures should be sent to the Editorial Office by e-mail:
together with tables, figures and photos.
Each manuscript should be accompanied by the authors' statement (Statement Form on the journal's website) stating that:
The Author (Authors) will cover the cost of publication in accordance with the rules set out on the journal's