
Lidia Olszowy Iwona Dudzik Zbigniew Kopański Małgorzata Schlegel-Zawadzka Grażyna Tomiak


Introduction. Quality in the provision of health ser-vices is very important, because continuous improvement in quality is now a prerequisite for the survival of any business. The demand for medical services in Poland is constantly increasing, and as a result competition on the market is intensifying, the number of hospitals and medical facilities providing services is increasing. Society has the opportunity to choose a medical facili-ty and in doing so, it is guided by the quality of services in the facility.
The aim of the work was to discuss the importance of quality in health services.
Selection of material. The search was carried out in the Scopus database for the period 2004-2020 in the field of Polish bibliography, using the terms meaning quality in health services. From the literature found in the Google Scholar database, studies were selected which, in the opinion of the authors, would be most use-ful in the preparation of this study.
Conclusions. The process of raising quality is a permanent ele-ment of people responsible for health care, and one of the most important stages of raising this quality is to develop appropriate standards of conduct. The higher quality of the services offered is the basic aim of the transformations which are currently taking place in medical care institutions in our country. Quality assurance is a planned process which is based on an assessment of the care currently provided and on taking action to constantly im-prove the standard of patient care.

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